quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2008

The day of arrival

Hi mates and darlings.
I´s my second post, I´ll try to write all day, to bring this blog to the present, sice i arrived in London.[
I arrived in london in 27th August 2008. After eleven hours on flight i arrived on Heatrow airport in London. I was so tired because I´m realy strong for the airplaine chair, and almost time i standed up.
When i left the airplaine, it was a lot of home office police, stopping the people on the escalators, asking for visas, but anyone was stopped me. I continue walking down in direction of imigration queue. I found friends of my sister who was in the same airplane, and stay with them on this queue for half hour. At this moment i was very nervous because before, i was read a lot of historys about this imigration.
But at this time they called for these two friends first and asking a lot of things like, where you go after london? PARIS, who of them speaks french? NO ONE, Why they are going to Paris.... and i still loking for this questions, when they called me.
- Hello
- Hi
- You are Eugenius
- Yes (i Take my passport to the officer)
- How long you´ll stay in London
- 9 mouths
- Enjoy your journey
Now i was exausted but relaxed because i was crossed the imigration succefuly.
Before this episode i take my lugage back and buyed some chocolates to Tammy who was wainting for me outside.

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