quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2008

Improve my english

Hi everybody.
It´s my first time writing in my blog. I want to show everyday, a litle resume of my staying in London.
Sorry about the mistakes, but i´m just a intermediate learner english, trying to improve all day this languange, on this crazy city.
My actual teacher is Sarah. She´ll probably correct this blog for me. Because I´m terrible on my writings and grammar. So this is the way I was found to practice my writing everyday.

2 comentários:

  1. oi wallachhh gostei, com o tempo se vai aperfeiçoando os erros, pois qdo vc aprender a falar fluentemente, vai sentir necessidade de escrever igual. Hj basicamente vc esta traduzindo do portugues pro ingles e a concordancia as vezes nao e a mesma mas ta muito bom.

    o veio

  2. Hunny, i love your blog!
    it's good to know that you're writing every day, not only for your practice thing, but to keep somehow contact with us (ME!!! LOL). but i still prefer your e-mails ;-)
    do you pretend to do a mba course there? cuz i think it's a great opportunity to have a relationship networking, and much easier to get a job in your field.
    keep in touch n take care
    miss ya!!!

    ju ayoub
